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Decay Optimization – DCO


0 RVB to 9 RVB, 0 EFX to 9 EFX


This parameter changes the way the algorithm responds to different input levels, which affects how realistic the reverberation sounds.

This parameter has 20 steps. The lower half (0-9 RVB) is called reverb mode. The upper half (0-9 EFX) is called effects mode.

When DCO is in reverb mode, the spread control affects how large the space sounds. This makes it easier to create realistic spaces.

When you're in effects mode, size and shape are not linked together. This means that you can use high spread values with small sizes to create unique, but strange sounding soundscapes.

DCO is usually best set to 7 RVB when creating natural spaces.

The numeric part of the DCO parameter dictates how the reverb decays based on the input level. For values closer to zero, the decay is more even and less dependent on the input level. Values closer to 9 decay more randomly at high input levels.

This means that for lower values, sounds will be more consistent at different volumes, but for higher values, sounds will be more unpredictable and lively at different volumes.

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