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Enhancement Feedback (FDBK.) Time

The Enhancement Feedback Time parameter is a sophisticated control for adjusting the decay length of the reflection cluster. Unlike the original hardware version, where this value was hardcoded, our plugin offers a dynamic control range from 0 to 100%, providing a versatile and precise adjustment capability.

This parameter is intricately linked with the Enhancement Room Size setting, with the two parameters working together to shape the spatial and temporal characteristics of the reflections. As the Enhancement Room Size is adjusted, particularly up to the setting of 10.3 (1000 m³), the Enhancement Feedback Time modulates the decay to be more or less subtle. On loudspeakers, the effect at these settings may be understated, adding a gentle depth and dimension to the sound. However, when listening on headphones, the same settings can produce a more pronounced and immersive effect, highlighting the versatility of this parameter in different listening environments.

When the Enhancement Room Size is set to 10.4 and beyond, the Enhancement Feedback Time takes on a more dramatic role. It allows for a significant control over the decay of the reflection cluster, especially in larger simulated room sizes. This functionality provides users with tight control over the decay characteristics, enabling them to tailor the enhancement effect precisely, regardless of the room size setting.

In practice, this means that even with larger room simulations, the reflections can be fine-tuned to decay at a rate that complements the mix, avoiding overly prolonged or muddy reverberations. This level of control is especially valuable in creating distinct spatial effects, from subtle ambiance enhancement to dramatic, echo-laden soundscapes.

The dynamic interplay between the Enhancement Feedback Time and Room Size settings makes this parameter a powerful tool in shaping the Enhance effect, offering both subtlety and dramatic impact in crafting the auditory experience.

Steps to Use: Enhancement FDBK. Time

Step 1: Understanding the Enhancement Feedback Time Parameter

  • The Enhancement Feedback Time parameter adjusts the decay length of the reflection cluster.
  • It offers a dynamic control range from 0 to 100%, allowing for precise adjustments.

Step 2: Interplay with Enhancement Room Size

  • This parameter works in tandem with the Enhancement Room Size setting to shape the reflections' spatial and temporal characteristics.
  • Adjusting both parameters together allows for a nuanced control over the decay and spatial quality of the effect.

Step 3: Setting for Subtle Effects in Smaller Rooms

  • In settings up to 10.3 (1000 m³), adjust the Enhancement Feedback Time to modulate the decay subtly.
  • On loudspeakers, these settings add gentle depth and dimension, while on headphones, the effect can be more pronounced.

Step 4: Amplifying the Effect in Larger Rooms

  • When the Room Size is set to 10.4 or larger, the Feedback Time takes a more dramatic role.
  • This allows significant control over the decay, particularly in larger simulated room sizes.

Step 5: Tailoring Decay Characteristics

  • Use the Feedback Time to precisely tailor the enhancement effect, regardless of room size.
  • Ensure that the reflections decay at a rate that complements the mix, avoiding overly prolonged or muddy reverberations.

Step 6: Experimenting for Desired Spatial Effects

  • Experiment with different Feedback Time settings to achieve a range of spatial effects, from subtle ambiance to dramatic echoes.
  • Consider the overall tone and setting of your track when adjusting the decay time.

Step 7: Leveraging for Creative Sound Design

  • Utilize the dynamic interplay between Feedback Time and Room Size for creative sound design.
  • This parameter allows for both subtle nuances and dramatic impacts in crafting the auditory experience.

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