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Page Buttons

The Page Buttons on the LX480 allow you to quickly and easily navigate between different sets of parameters on the sliders. The options available will depend on whether you are in Hardware or Advanced Mode, as well as the currently selected algorithm.

Page Buttons Available In Hardware Mode

In Hardware Mode (HDW), you can navigate up to 4 pages.

The names of the pages change depending on the selected algorithm.

The order of the parameters is identical to the original hardware. However, instead of cycling through pages by pressing the page button, it is replaced with 4 named page buttons. making the LX480 quicker and more intuitive to use.

Hall, Plate/Room, Random Hall and Random Hall HD

LX480 Hardware Mode Page Buttons

The Hall, Plate/Room, Random Hall and Random Hall HD algorithms contain the following pages:

  • Quick
  • Miscellaneous (MISC)
  • Early Reflection Levels (ERLV)
  • Early Reflection Delay Times (ERTM)

Twin Delays

LX480 Twin Delay Page Buttons

The Twin Delay algorithm contains the following pages:

  • Quick
  • Delay 1 (DLY1)
  • Delay 2 (DLY2)
  • Miscellaneous (MISC)


LX480 Panorama Page Buttons

The Panorama algorithm contains only a quick page, the other three buttons are inactive.


LX480 Ambience Page Buttons

Finally, the Ambience algorithm contains only two pages:

  • Quick
  • Miscellaneous (MISC)

For a list of parameters on each page see the How To Shape The Sounds Of The Relab LX480 Dual-Engine Plug-in section.

Page Buttons Available In Advanced Mode

LX480 Advanced Mode Page Buttons

In Advanced Mode (ADV), there are 8 pages ordered by their type of function:

  1. Quick
  2. Time
  3. Shape
  4. Filter
  5. Modulation (MOD)
  6. Density (DEN)
  7. Early Reflection Delay Times (ERTM)
  8. Early Reflection Levels (ERLV)

Advanced mode features additional parameters that are not included on the original device.

Although the number of pages in Advanced Mode remains the same regardless of the chosen algorithm, the parameters available on each page button change depending on the active algorithm.

The Hall and Plate/Room algorithms use identical parameters; the Random Hall is very similar but adds additional modulation settings.

The Twin Delays, Panorama, and Ambience algorithms' parameters differ significantly.

Unlike the Hardware Mode, the parameters on the quick page also appear on other pages.

This is useful for making quick adjustments to presets.

You can also choose which parameters appear on the quick page on a per–preset basis.

For more information, see the Operation -> Setup -> Mapping section.

A more detailed description of each parameter is found in the How To Shape The Sounds Of The Relab LX480 Dual-Engine Plug-in section.

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