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LX480 Dual-Engine Reverb


Signature Preset Packs
AMBIENCE Preset Name: Brass Place E1: Ambience Description: A space for your winds sections, strong and bright, with some interesting lively reflections. Preset Name: Heavy GTRs E1: Ambience Descri...
Premium Preset Packs
Overview: 21st Century Hardware or better…. Preset Name: Clean Ambient Swells Routing Config: Single E1: Random Hall HD Description: Lanois/Eno-like Ambient Guitar Swells   Preset Name: Dirty ...
Premium Preset Packs
Overview: 1990s hardware style reverb effects Preset Name: Dirty Plate Routing Config: Single E1: Plate/Room Description: 80s like algorithmic plate, brought into the 21st century with extra grit a...
Premium Preset Packs
Overview: 1970s and 1980s hardware style verbs   Preset Name: Chorused Ambient Swells Routing Config: Single E1: Hall Description: Heavy but Smooth Chorused Swells   Preset Name: Chaotic ...
Premium Preset Packs
Preset Name: Vocal Thickening Ambience Routing Config: Cascade E1: Twin Delay E2: Ambience Description: A "slappy" tempo synced delay into a short ambience, perfect for thickening vocals without wa...
Premium Preset Packs
If you're constantly seeking out new sounds and effects while making music, it can interfere with your productivity or creativity. We developed EDM Preset Pack for LX480 v4 to provide you with all ...
Original Factory Preset Pack
Original Factory Preset Pack
1 4-Voice Double Delay voices are doubled in stereo. When you add this to the dry signal, it makes the sound crisp, wide, and uncluttered. 2 Double Delay Two voices produce a double effect. The oth...
Original Factory Preset Pack
The Post Ambience Program bank contains a group of presets that have been designed to meet the requirements of post production. Several algorithms are used to create these programs. Each preset des...
Original Factory Preset Pack
The legacy presets for the AMBIENCE algorithm were designed to create the sound of real spaces that are often needed for music, trailer, and post-production work. 1 Very Large Ambience This resembl...
Original Factory Preset Pack
Brick Wall LX480 Brickwall Reverb Preset gives you the sound of running into a brick wall- in the best possible way. With its tight, non-linear and gated sound, this preset is perfect for adding su...
Original Factory Preset Pack
The Random Spaces presets are comparable to the Room presets. The majority of the presets are similar to those in the legacy Rooms preset bank. However, the random delay elements make the rooms see...
Original Factory Preset Pack
Like the Legacy Hall Presets , the Random Hall presets are designed to emulate real concert halls. The random elements in these programs provide smoother decay, particularly where values of Size an...
Original Factory Preset Pack
1 Music Club Music Club is similar to Jazz Hall, but it is smaller and has less reverberation at high frequencies. 2 Large Room Large Room is like a lecture room. It is smaller than Music Club, and...
Original Factory Preset Pack
1 A Plate A Plate is a basic plate preset that has a clear sound. It is useful for vocals and percussion. 2 Snare Plate Snare Plate has its high frequency content (HFC) and resonant peak frequency ...
Original Factory Preset Pack
1 Large Hall Large Hall makes the music sound like it is in a large concert hall. This preset creates a reverb sound that is similar to what you would hear in a large, square concert hall. The musi...
Premium Preset Packs
The Relab LX480 Dual-Engine Reverb Plug-in comes with a premium pack of the original factory presets from the hardware reverb unit it is modeled after. This gives users access to some of the most c...